John Brisebois


Here you can find my previous projects

Mordhau Macro

Mordhau Macro

Visualization tool for the online multiplayer game Mordhau that enables coaches to communicate positional strategies with players. The tool was created to address a need in the competitive Mordhau community and has seen real-world production use. Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS. Try it out!

Assembly Runner

Assembly Runner

MIPS Assembly Language based side-scroller video game with keyboard inputs and pixel display. Technologies used: MIPS Assembly, MARS bitmap display, MARS I/O simulator.

Clue Board Game

Clue Board Game

A turn based multiplayer online board game that uses Google Firebase backend services to store game states and allow for communication. Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Firebase

Team Tool

Team Tool

Helpful organization tool for competitive organizers that keeps track of teams' performance in a number of sports and games. Technologies used: C++, Windows Forms GUI

Stock Search

Stock Search

Flask based website that allows users to search stock performance through the Tiingo API. Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, Flask, hosted on AWS

Mini OS

Mini OS

Operating system bootloader and kernal that reads input from the keyboard while waiting for commands. Users can manipulate memory by creating named folders that have pointers to their parent and child folders. Technologies used: assembly x86, C.